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Available movies
“Questions and Answers”
This movie contains a selection of questions and answers with Lama Ole Nydahl.
They were collected during lectures at three meditation courses in 2016 with
thousands of participants: at the Europe Center in Germany, in Warsaw, Poland and
Lolland, Denmark.
Topics covered include Diamond Way meditation, compassion, dealing with
disturbing emotions and obstacles to practice, and applying the Buddha’s teachings
in everyday life.
Capturing the dynamic exchange between a realized Diamond Way Buddhist
master and his students, these teachings provide a unique perspective of Buddha’s
timeless wisdom. Going beyond concepts, Lama Ole’s answers can benefit both his
many students and others interested in following the Buddhist path.
“Fearless Death”
In his book Fearless Death, Lama Ole Nydahl shares the wisdom of experienced
Tibetan Buddhist masters, which he gained during years spent in the Far East. His
explanations are further enriched by decades of guiding modern people through the
dying process.
Thanks to Lama Ole Nydahl’s book and lectures, Tibetan masters’ teachings on
death and dying have now become accessible to the modern West. People are less
afraid of things they can understand. With the Phowa training (the rare meditation
practice of conscious dying when the time comes) and the knowledge found in the
Buddhist scriptures, it is possible to transform fear, expectations and doubts into
confidence and a calm state of mind when facing death and rebirth.
This movie is a recording of the public lecture given by Lama Ole Nydahl on May
22nd, 2013 in New York.
“The Man of Freedom – Wintertour”
A four-part documentary devoted to the history of development of Diamond Way
Buddhism in the West.
In 1972 Lama Ole Nydahl and his wife Hannah were officially asked by 16th Gyalwa
Karmapa, the head of the Kagyu lineage, to represent his activity in the whole
western world. Till now 640 centres have been created in which thousands of
people practice Buddhism, until recently known only among Himalayans. The film
will present the beginnings and thepresent situation of Diamond Way Buddhism in
the West. The document will be mainly composed of archive materials and will be
based on interviews with Lama Ole, in which he describes the beginnings and the
present situation of Buddhism. It will also be a reflection onthe contemporary world.
The premiere of the first part of the project titled “Wintertour” took place in summer